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Improving the health of the population in Romania by increasing TB control

Project financed by the Norwegian Grants 2009 - 2014, within the RO 19 - Public Health Initiative.

Marius Nasta Institute of Pulmonology – Project Promoter

It is the first tuberculosis hospital in Romania (it was established in 1906), and is currently the most important medical and research institution in the field of pulmonology and tuberculosis (TB). Since 1997, the Prof. Dr. Marius Nasta Institute of Pulmonology has been coordinating the National Tuberculosis Prevention, Surveillance and Control Programme, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The Technical Assistance and Management Unit (UATM) of the National Tuberculosis Prevention, Surveillance and Control Programme within the Marius Nasta Institute of Pulmonology ensures the methodological development and guidance for the implementation of the activities regarding TB prevention and control at national level, thus contributing significantly to the reduction of the tuberculosis burden for public health and to meeting the objectives of the National Tuberculosis Control Strategy 2013 – 2017.

Along with the qualified medical services offered in the field of lung diseases, the Marius Nasta Institute also carries out scientific research.

The Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation (RAA) – Partner 1

For over 20 years, the Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation has been carrying out projects for the improvement of the quality of life of persons affected by chronic diseases and exposed to the risk of social exclusion. The direct and indirect beneficiaries of the organisation are children, young persons and families affected by tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and autism, as well as the professionals (medical staff, nurses, social workers, psychologists, teachers, etc.).

The foundation has over 8 years of experience in the management of funds and the implementation of tuberculosis prevention, treatment and control programmes in Romania, and is part of international TB research networks. Since 2006, RAA has been designated Principal Receiver of the Global Fund to Fight against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and has coordinated the implementation of numerous projects for the improvement of the lives of persons affected by TB and HIV/AIDS, and, since 2011, the foundation has been the Romanian partner within an international project financed by the European Commission through the Second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health, which takes place in 12 Eastern Europe countries.

RAA has implemented and implements medical and social projects aimed at increasing the quality of services provided to persons with TB and HIV (treatment, healthcare services, counselling and testing centres, etc.) in partnership with hospitals, local health authorities and other state institutions; it purchases advanced diagnosis equipment and medicines for the comprehensive and quality treatment of MDR TB from the Global Drug Facility of the partnership StopTB – World Health Organisation, and it offers technical assistance for governmental institutions and ONGs, as well as residential and online training for the medical staff and the social and psychological assistance staff.

Since 2013, the foundation has been conducting projects financed from Swiss or structural funds, aimed at improving Romania’s legislative framework concerning TB and at the social and labour market integration of persons affected by tuberculosis.

The Centre for Health Policies and Services (CPSS) – Partner 2

The mission of the Centre for Health Policies and Services is to promote active participation in the building of a health system centred on the needs of the population.

CPSS’ main areas of expertise are the analysis and promotion of health policies and strategies, the development and implementation of programmes and interventions in priority areas of public health and healthcare services, the support of health reform by promoting efficient management and ensuring the quality of health services and patient safety, the promotion of healthy behaviours among the general population, in particular among young persons, through communication interventions aimed at behavioural changes, and community development through the support of inter-sectoral interventions for vulnerable groups.

LHL’s International Tuberculosis Foundation (LHL International) – Partner 3

LHL’s International Tuberculosis Foundation (LHL International) is an independent foundation from Norway, established on 1 January 2013 by The Norwegian Heart and Lung Patient Organization (an organisation of the patients and for the patients), whose mission is to develop the activity of the parent organisation regarding the fight against TB both in Norway, and internationally.
LHL International Tuberculosis Foundation is headquartered in Norway and has partnerships for TB control in Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Nepal, Russia, and now in Romania as well. The partners of LHL International are patient organisations, national health organisations and research institutions.

The direct work with the patient (peer advice), carried out by LHL International, consists of one-to-one advice as well as of various types of face-to-face meetings between former and current patients, and its intention is to empower persons with tuberculosis so that they may meet and open up to persons who have gone through exactly the same experiences. Peer advice is carried out with the help of volunteers. In Norway, LHL International volunteers also offer support through a national TB helpline network and through hospital visits. Currently, LHL International intends to implement peer advice services outside Norway as well.